Thursday 21 December 2017

The truth about TIME.

Many people say that time is fast or time is slow in a particular day, but the truth is, time is the same. It won't go at a fast pace today and go at a slow pace tomorrow. The only thing that can make time faster is YOU.
You are the one that can control how fast or slow time is for you. When you spend your time enjoying or doing things that makes you happy, time seems faster. But when otherwise, time seems to stand still. Time is fast when you're happy but slow when you're sad. It is faster when you're having fun but slow when you're bored. Is time faster when you're watching your favourite TV show than when you're reading your Bible? Make adequate use of your time because you do not know when the owner of Time will take it away from you.
 Set your goals, set your TIME, merge the TWO.

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